Dust of live

Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America cordially invites you to the opening of an exhibition of paintings (1999-2013) by Jerzy Kubina:
“Dust of life”
Dedicated to Henryk Lachman
“Hotel Hamilton” installation/mixed media 1989
opening reception: thursday, november 21, 2013
at 6 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
music by saxophonist Krzysztof Medyna
the exhibition will be on view
tuesday – thursday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., until december 4, 2013
208 e. 30 street (near 3rd ave.), new york, n.y. 10016
rsvp: piasany@verizon.net, telephone: 212 686 4164, www.piasa.org
refreshments will be serve

Jerzy Kubina

Ceaseless observation of the constantly changing reality that surrounds me provokes a struggle for a new quality of expression. A genuine creative process is fundamental to my exploration. My artistic efforts are an attempt to express my reflections on spiritual and existential values.

Uporczywa obserwacja, bezustannie zmieniajacej sie realnosci ktora mnie otacza prowokuje do walki o nowy rodzaj ekspresji. Proces kreacji jest baza moich poszukiwan. Moja praca to proba wyrazenia moich refleksji nad wartosciami duchowymi i egzystencjonalnymi.


1981/85 BFA, MA Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow, Poland, Department of Painting under individual instruction of Prof. Jan Szancenbach. Graduated “Magna Cum Laude”. 1985 Received Best Graduating Student Award

Selected exhibitions:

2012 BWA Zamosc, Zamosc, PL
2010 Museum Convento de Carmen , Guadalajara, Mexico
2006 Real Art Ways Gallery, Hartford, CT
2005 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York, NY
2004 leonard codex Tower Gallery, Houston, TX
2003 Fish Tank Gallery, New York, NY
2003 Modern Art Gallery, LA 2003 Chelsea Museum, NYC
2002 Puffin Foundation Gallery, Teaneck, NJ
1989 Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, New York, NY
1997 O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, NY
1993 “Grand at Juenes d’Aujourd’hui”, Paris, France
1992 Miami University Art Museum, Miami, FL
1992 Polish Museum of American Art, Chicago, IL
1992 Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, NY
1991 Prisunic Gallery, New York, NY
1991 Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
1991 Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
1989 PEMEX Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico
1987 BWA, Cracow, PL
1985 BWA, Gdansk, PL

BIBLIOGRAPHY: art revive, Elle, Vogue, art forum, art news, polish news