Lecture By Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz and Stefan Madejewicz

Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz

Cordially invites You to a lecture Search for a Cancer Cure – Why Progress is Disappointingly, Slow An Experimental Oncologist’s View. Professor of Pathology, Medicine and Microbiology/Immunology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY(More information about Dr. Darzynkiewicz can be found at: www.darzynkiewicz.com/zbigniew/) A Clinical Oncologist’s View:Stefan Madajewicz, M.D., Ph. D, Professor Emeritus,Stony Brook University Medical … Read more

Lecture by Wlodek Mandecki

Wlodek Mandecki

Abstract Genes and the Human Genome: Influences on Health and Disease By Wlodek Mandecki Recent sequencing of the human genome started a massive effort to develop fast “next generation” methods to obtain the sequence data from many genomes. Thousands of human genomes have been already sequenced. These data, together with determination of human genetic variation … Read more

Ursula Von Rydingsvard: Sculpture – February 2, 2012

Ursula Von Rydingsvard

Ursula von Rydingsvard is a sculptor who has been working in Brooklyn, New York, for the past 30 years. Von Rydingsvard is best known for creating large-scale, often monumental sculpture from cedar beams, which she painstakingly cuts, assembles, and laminates, finally rubbing powdered graphite into the work’s textured, faceted surfaces. She deliberately uses cedar boards … Read more

Lecture: Czeslaw Milosz Remembered

Czeslaw Milosz Remembered

Speakers: Anna Frajlich, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Slavic Languages, Columbia UniversityIrena Grudzinska-Gross, Associate Research Scholar, Department of Slavic Literatures and Languages, Princeton University.Krystyna Olszer, Adjunct Associate Professor of Polish, Columbia University.Presentation of photographs of Czeslaw Milosz by Zosia Zeleska-Bobrowska. Display of Czeslaw Milosz books, manuscripts and memorabilia from PIASA and private collections were … Read more

“Painted By Light” – Photographic Exhibition By Hanna Kelker

Hanna Kelker Ph.D. is a scientist by training and by profession. She studied at the University of Warsaw, Purdue University and Michigan State University. She served on faculty at the New York University School of Medicine (Department of Medicine) where she conducted research on the development of an AIDS vaccine. She is a member of … Read more

Z Polskiego Instytutu Naukowego Możemy Być Dumi

Z profesorem Tadeuszem Gromadą i Janiną Gromadą-Kedron rozmawia AndrzejJózef Dąbrowski J.G.-K. – Nie wiem, czy pan zauważył, że siedzimy pod portretem profesora OskaraHaleckiego.A.J.D. – Zapewne nie przez przypadek.J.G.-K. – Oczywiście. Był on przecież pierwszym dyrektorem wykonawczym naszegoInstytutu. Tadeusz jest jego uczniem. Profesor Halecki wciągnął też Tadeusza doInstytutu.T.G. – Było to w końcu lat 60.J.G. – … Read more