Lecture: “Beyond cholesterol: identifying new risk factors for heart disease” by Hieronim Jakubowski, Ph.D.

Heronim Jakubowski

Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, N.J. ABSTRACTAtherosclerosis, a disease of the large arteries, is the primary cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke. It is the underlying cause of about 50% of all deaths in westernized societies. Despite advances in our understanding of CVD, the established risk factors such … Read more

Prelekcja interaktywna “Stwórz własną kolekcję fotografii. Historia technik fotograficznych – od dagerotypu do odbitki żelatynowo srebrowej”

"Stworz wlasna kolekcje fotografii. Historia technik fotograficznych - od dagerotypu do odbitki zelatynowo srebrowej"

Wykład przygotowany przez Annę Michaś-Bailey, konserwatora zabytków z papieru i skóry oraz konserwatora materiałów fotograficznych, autorki książki pt. „Real & Other Photos. Wstęp do identyfikacji i kolekcjonowania wczesnych fotograficznych kartek pocztowych”. Podczas wykładu można będzie zobaczyć i dotknąć fotografie wykonane w omawianych technikach!!! Zapraszamy!!! Wykład będzie wygłoszony w języku polskim.Godz. 6-9 wieczorem.Prelekcja nie krótka. Wstęp … Read more

Lecture: “Eurozone: Problems and Solutions” by Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz

Professor Leszek Balcerowicz

You are cordially invited to attend a lecture by Professor Leszek BalcerowiczEurozone: Problems and Solutions on November 28 at 6:30pm,which will be held at the Polish Consulate Generallocated at 233 Madison Ave New York NY. Reception at the Consulate will immediately follow the lecture. Our sincere thanks go out to the Polish Consulate Generalfor donating … Read more

Author’s Evening: Anne Applebaum

Anne Applebaum

The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences invites you to a book talk with Anne Applebaum. She will present Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944–1953 a finalist for the 2012 National Book Award, and From a Polish Country House Kitchen “Anne Applebaum’s highly readable book is distinguished by its ability to describe and … Read more

Lecture: “The HIV Epidemic in Poland” by Andrzej Horban, M.D.

Andrzej Horban

Due to the strong possibility of inclement weather Prof. Horban’s November 7th lecture on the HIV epidemic in Poland at the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences is cancelled. Medical Director of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Warsaw,Chair of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Warsaw Medical University Dr. Andrzej Horban is a leading figure … Read more